Una de las voces más bellas del panorama jazzístico de las dos últimas décadas, Roberta Gambarini reúne elegancia interpretativa y canciones que, como esta The Two Lonely People, obra del pianista Bill Evans con letra de Carol Hall, se alimentan de los matices sin necesidad de exhibición. Gambarini es sobre todo sutileza interpretativa, conexión con la música, detalle y cuidada emoción. Contó con Chuck Berghofer al bajo, Joe LaBarbera en la batería y Tamir Hendelman en el piano. Se grabó entre los días 18 y 19 de junio de 2004. ¡Disfrútalo!
The Two Lonely People
(Bill Evans & Carol Hall)
The two lonely people sat silently staring
Their eyes looking coldly ahead
The two lonely people once loved and were caring
But now it's all over and dead
They don't know what happened
They can't think what happened
They had something fine on their own
But the two lonely people have turned into statues
Yes turned into statues of stone
The world was their moon once
The yellow ones
It held all their hopes and their dreams
But time came and broke them
Reality woke them
The world's not so pretty as it seems
For all that once mattered
Is old now and battered
But must it be shattered in two
The two lonely people
Would give all their life
Yes give all their life
If they knew, the two lonely people sat silently staring
Their eyes looking coldly ahead
The two lonely people sat silently staring
Their eyes looking coldly ahead
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